Monday, July 30, 2012

How to Work Towards Your Goal Unstoppable - Momentum Theory

Everybody needs coffee nowadays. Imagine yourself having no headaches or fatigue without coffee or any caffeinated drinks. It's nonsense I know, but it won't have much side effects =p.

   For ages many have striven for unlimited stamina so that many boring goals can be accomplished while still having enough energy left to have a satisfying life style. Truth is, that wish is simply impossible. There are two reasons.
   One reason is that your wish doesn't equal to others wishes so nobody will be able to follow your rhythm and life style. Lets say for example you have literally unlimited stamina that allows you to skip your meals and sleep and still be healthy and long living. You have decided to fill up your twenty-four hours schedule with your important career building goals and plans of entertainment. However, career building ideas comes randomly as moments of innovative bursts of ideas, so you will never know when great ideas will come to bring you one step or one large step closer to accomplishing the goal you desire. Lets say those bursts always enter your mind during the day hours and seldom appear at night. Logically, you will put more share of your day time into your career and save night hours for entertainment. The problem is here. While you have "free time" at night, the rest of the world, like your family or your significant others are sleeping. Lets just assume that they don't desire to have unlimited stamina like you, but prefers to enjoy meal breaks and sleep breaks. They simply don't want to be "on" twenty-four hours a day. What are you going to do during the extra six to ten hours of free time alone? However, the problem doesn't stop here. There's another reason to why unlimited stamina does not work.
     Second reason unlimited stamina doesn't work is because of your core beliefs interfering with your motivation. In other words your comfort pocket. The moment you decided that your important career goals are boring and tedious to accomplish then you are already making a very grave mistake. Even if unlimited stamina was given to you by some force whether its extraterrestrial or beyond mortal beings, you will simply procrastinate from accomplishing your goal and attend to something more interesting and end up spending many decades accomplishing nothing. The final reason is that unlimited stamina is impossible, because meal and sleep breaks are required to maintain your body's wear and tear even if you can mentally and emotionally bypass every obstacle. Even though unlimited stamina is not possible but something close to it can be achieved.
    Achieving stamina beyond your normal stamina is what I call "momentum" in this piece of writing. Momentum is built based on your core comfort pocket and selfish motivation. Building this momentum is your key to achieving unlimited stamina and will-power to succeed at whatever you like. Specific rules have to be followed before you can obtain this unlimited source of energy. It's unlimited because it comes back with the same strength after you sleep and eat everyday as opposed to getting more fatigued day after day. First rule is to prioritize your main goal. You might have a lot of goals you want to accomplish, but you should never attempt to handle everything at once, or else you will constantly feel pressured and not be able to accomplish anything at all. Like the old saying goes, "you might have a lot of mouths to eat, but you only have one stomach to digest, so choose wisely." Second rule is to break your important goal down into individual little goals and accomplish them consecutively one at a time. Once you follow these two golden rules, the rest of your power source for your infinite stamina will have to come from you inside out. To do that you will have to prepare your mind and body a specific way.
    Whether it's realizing comfort pocket, selfish motivation, or momentum, it's just using different methods to master the efficiency and potential of your mind, body, and soul connection. The key to preparing your body for any type of success is to master yourself . The very first step comes from your heart, in other words, the satisfaction of accomplishing the goal in your mind. If you decided on doing something, then it should be very desirable to accomplish. None of it should be boring to you. If you were very motivated and excited in the beginning and somehow lost interest in it now, then think back to the beginning. Think about why you decided on this goal in the first place. The origin is always the best place to return to when you are stuck, because it is the beginning of your journey for the sake of what you believe in. Your path might have been distorted along the way by others opinions, and feelings, or your disappointment in the outcome. Keep in mind that a goal that you "failed" at is simply an unfinished process. Your goal in mind should be very desirable whether it's the result or the process. Keep going ahead. Momentum is literally built as it moves on. The first step is always difficult, because there's not enough experience to back up your belief. What you should do is to very quickly accomplish a mini goal that pertains to your bigger goal. You can choose your goals so choose the easiest one to start you off, and then challenge yourself later when your momentum has grown big. It's not recommended to tackle an impossible task in the beginning, so don't let your hyped up emotions get the best of you. Doing that will make you lose your momentum and create comfort pockets with false beliefs. Impossibility simply means the lack of resources in your comfort pocket and not enough desire in your selfish motivation. In order to do or understand anything of this, let me first summarize what comfort pocket and selfish motivation are.

    comfort pocket and selfish motivation has been mentioned extensively in other pieces of my writing. I'll summarize them roughly what they are here. comfort pocket is your body, mind, soul synchronized together to allow you to accomplish things "in automation". You are already using your comfort pockets everyday without knowing it. For example, when you go to work everyday, you probably follow the same route, same transportation service, meet and talk to the same people. However, I'm sure you've experienced many times that there are "blank spaces" in your memory when you try to remember the events that happened during your route to work and back. The reason the blank spaces exist in the first place isn't simply because you have bad memory. The real reason is that your comfort pocket has been activated so that your body can move and talk and think in automation. This way you can save as much energy as possible accomplishing your daily tasks. However, your "forgotten" memories can still be remembered if you can master meditation, or find a professional hypnotist. The reason you forgot is because accomplishing the same things every day is boring and energy wasting, so your body stores the memory into your deep subconscious area making it difficult for you to withdraw it readily. comfort pocket allows you to maximize your efficiency by minimizing energy spent. It's also where you store your core beliefs, and techniques. However, we don't simply live with comfort pockets, because we also have selfish motivation.

    Recognizing your selfish motivation is simply recognizing the real you that is free from the influence of your surroundings. Recognizing the real you minimizes the amount of counter productive things you do, but instead accomplish things that are absolutely desirable to you and you only. If you recognize and follow your selfish motivation, then you will never be fatigued easily, because you know that you are enjoying life exactly the way you desire it, whether it's doing charity, getting a girlfriend, or bungee jumping. However, recognizing selfish motivation requires you not to cheat yourself. If you are reading this piece of writing then you have probably buried your selfish motivation too deep into your heart. With this problem, you most likely run into plenty of situations where you debate with yourself on whether you are doing something right. With those kinds of hesitations obstructing you, you will easily fatigue and lose any motivation to accomplish anything seriously desirable to you.
    As you can tell, if you have abundant, and powerful amounts of high quality comfort pockets as a foundation, and a sharpened selfish motivation as a lead, then you should practically be able to handle anything. So what's the point of discussing momentum here? They key here is to extend the capabilities of your comfort pockets and selfish motivation if they are in good shape. To do that you will have to learn to not stop. Have you ever had any moments of bursts of good feelings, and you decided to push the work till later because you are "not sure" if you should give up on whatever you are doing right now, whether it's gaming, playing with your friends, family, or chilling out? This part of your comfort pocket is an inhibitor created by society to force you to join them and to "go with the flow". True, you should go with the flow to fit into society, but not when you're about to have an innovative idea that can result in bringing in even more desirable things into your life. The key to remember is to not stop. However, don't get frustrated if something very urgent happens to disturb your brilliant finding. As long you prepared your mind and body right, you will get your chance again, but once you get your chance, do not miss it. Once you have the right comfort pocket and selfish motivations, then keep going, then the momentum  you built will obtain even more comfort pocket and selfish motivations that can help you accomplish your goals even faster and more efficiently. Doing this will also increase your chances of having those brilliant "bursts of ideas", because momentum literally makes your mind, body, and soul more sensitive to good ideas and better methods. The bigger it grows, the more powerful the ideas come. Remember to eliminate any negative feelings, no matter how small it is pertaining to the goal you want to dedicate your life to. Negativity will force you to take unnecessary breaks from your desire. Breaks should not be taken outside of your normal daily routine of fun, sleep and meals. In other words your spare time will be dedicated to it, but it doesn't matter, because it's what you want to do anyway, so why bother hesitating? Always have good feelings about it no matter what happens, and your momentum will power up. If you have trouble doing that and you feel stressed out, then you did something wrong, so work on your comfort pocket and selfish motivation some more. Explore the elements inside and overlap them with better methods and ideas. If you are not sure what comfort pocket is then read it here for a simple illustration, here for the full length explanation, and here for the abridged version of the full length. Read any of them you want. You don't have to read all of them. If you are not sure what selfish motivation is then read it here.

    Momentum is not a feeling. You will not feel anything different. Feelings can only power it up, but it can not be felt. However, you know you have momentum if you realize that you don't want to stop at anything unnecessary to accomplishing your goal. It's self supporting and exponentially grows. Once you built your momentum, your body will go at it very efficiently and stress will not exist, except for slight amounts of body stress, which is normal because you are spending energy. With momentum running you won't lose hope in the process, or lose progress. You will constantly be faced with the decision to take unnecessary breaks along the way, but if you built your momentum strong, and your selfish motivation determined, then you will only take breaks that are absolutely necessary to live like sleeping, exercise breaks, meal breaks, and so on.

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