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We all want certainty in our tomorrows, to do something, somehow to find our own sense of peace. We search hard for a guarantee, preservative, steps to perfection, somehow, believing our daily life has hope that extends by itself. We depend and rely on a habit or medium relatively secured by a mixture of techniques, and mistakes. It's something you subconsciously do when you panic or lose consciousness; thinking in one direction. It's step zero precursor of all our actions and motivations. It consists of our sanity weakly approved by a bridge of hope. Hope as an adaptive technique to re-use reflexively. This reliance can be of any attitude no matter how active the event may be, as long it's accepted as a daily event.
It's the preparation of the mind as well as the body. Comfort is rest which it collectively organizes power, converts some hidden potential, generates stable connections, refreshes the mind as a result and gives a positive incentive for motivation to do more. Comfort pocket rests your body allowing better mind-soul connection that stimulates motivation to do great things. Sometimes it can be incomplete; with need for more, or a complete pocket that allows you to feeling inner peace. Comfort pocket allows variation due to technique saturation.
Comfort pocket can be as extreme as creating a world of our own. Since it's a world, it can include habits and mistakes consisting positive and negative things like happiness and fear for example. It balances each other like a perfect scale. In a world of perfection, with definite expectations; where everything is balanced out, we can get too comfortable and fail to improve further, since one don't realize that mouth to be complaining about how difficult life is, but mind has adapted anyway as a comfort pocket, and fail to improve further like an incorrect body posture, with mistakes sticking to oneself parasitically like competing in an athletic performance with an incorrect body posture. Sometimes it's necessary to create environment as similar to comfort world as possible and extend comfort pocket further.
An incomplete comfort pocket overwhelmed by negativity fills character with fear, but incomplete comfort pocket overwhelmed by positiveness fills character with boredom and laziness. Comfort pocket also involves raising awareness of possibilities.
When a person has an incomplete comfort pocket like a biological cell, that individual tends to stretch out more to complete comfort pocket in which to reach perfection or what they view as perfection in their comfort world. It brings awareness of comfort extensions, helping one realize that one can make things better.
Nobody is born with comfort pocket, we create one as we go. Its existence is to help you remove attention from yourself so you are willing to take risks to do things you normally won't do. It's a self check for mistakes. It's something you do before you start thinking, because it's already there before you thoughts. Comfort pocket can also be self satisfying since not everybody wants to improve any further. Balancing peace and boredom, with challenge and fear creates a balanced comfort pocket.
Comfort pocket is a defined set of attitudes and reactions. Comfort pocket dictates possibilities before we start thinking or make decisions, depending on your level of experience and your richness of techniques. Having feelings or reactions towards a situation like crying when hurt, or feeling afraid when overwhelmed is comfort pocket since developing any relation to reality creates a sense of security which is better than no relation like crying. Comfort pocket is what you made yourself to be.
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