Thursday, April 19, 2012

Comfort Pocket Simple Illustration

 If you enjoy my nonsense then this piece of nonsense should make you feel better
Illustrating nonsense is my job in this world so please enjoy- Blame Fire

            comfort pocket is not something I made up. It's a psychological phenomenon we all have that should not be destroyed. I couldn't think of any words to describe it so I simply labeled it as "comfort pocket". The word “comfort” implies that we all tend to prefer to accomplish anything as easily as possible. The reason is because it’s very energy efficient and we don’t over exhaust ourselves. The word “pocket” implies an "air pocket". The reason I used that is because we are all suffering in many points in our lives without ending, similar to drowning in the sea. The only areas of the sea where we can feel any relief at all are air pockets where we can breathe in temporarily. I used this analogy because the manifestation of these two “air pockets” is similar. If this air pocket is destroyed then you are finished. I'll explain the reason to you in a bit. First look at this simple illustration of how comfort pocket relates to your core, or "true" personality:

Backbone of our personality is formed during a very delicate time period in each of our own personal history, which is our child hood. Even though we continue to grow and develop mentally and physically past puberty, our core personality is set at a very early age in general. I mentioned before in my previous writings that destroying a person’s comfort pocket will drive that person insane. However, there are times people will still recover. Even though recovery is VERY difficult, there are times that recovery can happen. This special situation occurs because the comfort pocket that is destroyed does not belong to the person’s core personality. However, if a comfort pocket is destroyed within the core personality, then the victim will permanently become insane if there isn’t any spiritual guidance to bring them back. The other clear difference between a core comfort pocket and a regular comfort pocket is that regular comfort pockets can be overlapped “easily” with new comfort pockets. However, they are never replaced, because destroying any comfort pockets in general will drive a person insane, whether temporarily or not. They can only be covered up by new things. Unfortunately, replacing the old with the new doesn’t always bring about a good turn of events. If that was the case, then our world will have no problems and you can practically call it a utopia. Everybody will enjoy their lives without any concern, and you won’t be reading any of this. Over lapping is a voluntary thing. Nobody can really force you if your faith and beliefs are too strong. The only time overlapping can happen is when the individual feel that the new comfort pocket is superior and “closer to the truth” to living life better.
For example, let’s say there’s this individual who didn’t give a damn about money when he was young, but when he got older, he “realized” that everything in this world demands money, including his house, wife, friends, and enjoyments. Even though his way of thinking is making life tough for him, his feelings are settled “easily” into new state comfortably. Why? That’s because all the answers he couldn’t answer before suddenly became clear and nicely defined. Since 90% of things he runs into involves money, he will use money to define everything. In other words, his emotional enjoyment or sufferings from now only relates to whether he has a lot of money, or very little money. I’m sure you are VERY familiar with this way of thinking. I don’t blame you. In fact, congratulate on making it through all your hardships. However, it’s time to face reality the right way. Believing that money is the answer to EVERYTHING is analogical to someone who saying that wearing clothes prevents ANY disease. Yes, money is important. You definitely can not have “no money”. Same thing can be said for clothes. It’s important, and you definitely can not have “no clothes”. The world we live in never rely on ONE key to solve every problem. Every single problem has their key to solve it. Money just so happen to be one type of key. Sometimes the answer is money, and other times, it’s not. Avoiding the extremes will help you see things clearer. The point I’m illustrating here isn’t the fact whether money is important or not, but the fact that we are all over simplifying life with this perspective. How can you tell that you are oversimplifying things? The answer is simple. If you are able to accomplish all the goals you set yourself to do, and still feel extremely unsatisfied, then you know you are doing something wrong. What happens when you over simplify things? I can list some severe consequences that can happen. Some are obvious, others are not:
1.        Your health will be damaged in the process
2.        You begin to disrespect those who are close to you
3.        You are always jealous at those with more money than you
4.        You always despise those who can’t make as much money as you
5.        You start gambling a lot (this one might be 50/50 in general)
6.        You become very sensitive to how people make fun of your personal assets, or income
7.        You like to show off your expensive things a lot
8.        You begin buying the most expensive things as possible even to the point of ignoring the quality of your purchase
9.        You are always suspicious whether someone will make you owe them something
Well, if you do any of the above, my answer to you is that it’s “ok” to do those things. That is quality of your current comfort pocket, so I highly recommend you don’t force yourself to change and risk destroying it. However, the moment you read this, the change has already begun, because anything you do can be assimilated into your comfort pocket. Nevertheless, your comfort pocket has a lot more elements than that. Today, I’ll just focus on talking about one element of your comfort pocket, which is your habit. This is your relationship of your habit to your comfort pocket:
You know what your habits are. They are things you do every single day, or can’t refuse to do everyday. Examples can be brushing your teeth every day, talking to other people a certain way, or having certain thoughts about other people or other things every day. These things all happen before you even put on your conscious thinking, that’s why your brain can not control it. Habits are key places to take a deep look at what kind of fellow you are. It requires a lot of patience for you to realize it.
For example, let’s say you have a colleague who you believe is a slob because every friend of yours told you so. So what thoughts would automatically pop into your head the moment you see this colleague every day? Yea, you’ll be thinking, “it’s that slob again”. You might even feel annoyed that this type of person exists in the same space as you are. However your antagonistic feelings towards this colleague don’t really have any depth to it. If you keep up this attitude long enough, then you’ll start to believe that this slob deserves punishment from the heavens for no reason. This is an example of a habit you commit to that’s been “coerced” upon you by other people’s persuasion. It’s practically as powerful as a religion. It’s a very commonly abused comfort pocket due to the fact our nature is to “fit in” with society. Be aware of your “permanent” judgments, because their accuracy is not reliable all the time. In this colleague example, there’s a chance that the slob is a real slob, but if you can’t safely find the truth, then you might be living in a tale forever. If you calm down to think again, then you might wonder “why” he is a slob. Habits can have the following elements in it:
       Habits are not simply things you do, it’s also feelings and reactions you give to the same exact events, people, places, things automatically every day. For example, if you see a toothbrush, you’ll automatically want to brush your teeth with it first thing in the morning, but you wouldn’t think of eating your toothbrush first thing in the morning. These feelings happen instantly without your command, because it’s already a comfort pocket that can’t be controlled by the brain. You might consciously create another comfort pocket to overlap it, for example you might start eating your toothbrush in the morning to prove my previous statement wrong or something like that. The “need” to “prove me wrong” is already an element of your comfort pocket. You can’t control yourself from disagreeing with me. You just want to, because you “feel” like it. That feeling is another comfort pocket. In other words, comfort pocket is nothing more than who you are, and I’m simply labeling it physically with words to identify it for you. Since feelings are involved, then your fixed habit is also directly related to your self confidence and your self esteem. Let’s say you’ve always wanted to be an artist, but then got stuck being a chemist for 40 years. If you didn’t touch art for all these years, then you’ll lose confidence over art, and start believing that you’re “meant to be” a chemist. If you ever wondered why you strayed really far from your true goal in life, then now’s the time to think about it. Once you have a collection of habits that you follow then you will go into “auto mode” all the time. A good illustration of that can already be seen in your own personal daily life. If you can spend your whole day doing a lot of things, but can’t precisely remember most of what you did, then you are in auto mode. Everything is done by your comfort pocket without your input. That’s why time flies by really fast for most people.
Once you realize that you have certain things you do that repeat itself unnecessarily for too long, then you will have to trace back to the source of where that comfort pocket came from. If you don’t, then you are permanently the way you are FOREVER even if you don’t like it. Why is this important? Maybe you just can’t make someone you love very happy? Maybe you want to get a specific job, but you can’t because of your personality? Maybe you are struggling with self esteem issues? Maybe you are judging yourself to harshly for certain things? Maybe you are suffering from an emotional problem that you feel you will never feel resolved? No matter what it is, the problems you face are manifestation of a bigger picture that can be traced back to your comfort pocket and your backbone. Once you figured out what it is, then simply overlap it with a different comfort pocket that is easier, and more self satisfying for you to do.
       Thank you for reading I wish you good luck. If you read all the way here then leave a comment.

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