Monday, February 27, 2012

Why Being Scammed Is a Good Thing - Selfish Motivation Variation 4

 I haven't written nonsense for a while. Today lets blabber about why its okay to be a victim sometimes.

    There once was a saying that "inch time foot gem, every minute is a priceless gem, and that minute won't come back again".  That phrase is definitely true, but people don't quite understand the essence of that statement. For some people, time passes in a blink of an eye. For others time passes so slow, they rather end it now. Nevertheless, when people focus on either of those extremes, then its perfect evidence there time isn't be used efficiently yet.
     Everybody has faced trickery before. You could've tricked someone, someone could've tricked you, or you could've witnessed someone else being tricked. The moment you go on the internet, you are constantly being tricked, because internet have a lot of lies (and truths to balance it off of course). Why do people do this? What's the selfish motivation behind tricking others? Simple. There are two reasons. One, is because it's fun. Second, is because its a shortcut towards a certain goal. For example, someone might've tricked you just to witness the embarrassing reaction you will express. Another example, would be someone tricking you because they needed to save their love one. Nevertheless, in the world of negativity, this flow of destiny is temporarily unavoidable. Everybody will do it at some point in time. Since it exists, adapting to it would be important. What if you can not adapt to it?

     After someone gets scammed, they would regret it their whole life. Some people will work really hard to  trust nobody anymore, and they might succeed economically. Some others will slunk into a corner someone and drown their sorrows away. Some others will do both. Some will adapt to it partially and continue their life with the event stored in their subconscious memory as a comfort pocket. Unless something has been done to make a positive light shine on that past event, it will pretty much haunt the victim for the rest of their life. Unfortunately, if its serious enough, it will also pass on to the victim's next incarnation. Nevertheless, precious time is being wasted for all the examples stated earlier. Even if the person is "succeeding" economically, what price are they paying to "succeed"? Are they neglecting their family because they can't trust anyone? Are they neglecting their own emotions because they don't have "time" for it? Are they neglecting their health because somehow even a "minute" can not be spared? None of these people are spending every minute peacefully, because the event will haunt them subconsciously. Since it's a comfort pocket, they will no longer remember why they are frustrated, upset, cold, irritable, but rather they will just feel those emotions. That's why its difficult in general to resolve emotions. The emotions are manifestation of stored comfort pockets, but the source of the problem has been so heavily ignored that it becomes hidden.

    Almost everybody avoids the main problem they have and shift their focus to something that they are more selfishly motivated to handle. The purpose of doing this is to accomplish something they feel confidence in and hoping this translates to confidence in handling their past problems. Unfortunately, nobody in this world can accomplish it this way. For example, lets someone got scammed into paying millions of dollars purchasing a cardboard box sports car. First of all, this victim will very likely not fall for the same trick again (unless their comfort pocket does not recognize it as the same). Second of all, the victim will most likely focus on some other part of their life to accomplish so they can "redeem" themselves, hoping that one big accomplishment can overlap an old failure. However, what the victim doesn't recognize is what is known as "domino effect".

   One problem unresolved is never simply one problem. It's like a stack of dominoes being knocked down. You simply need to knock down one, then the rest falls in a cascading fashion. Lets take that old example earlier of a certain individual who bought a million dollar cardboard box. He will most likely destroy that box or keep it as a reminder to never get tricked again. In either case, he might be doing the right thing, but the problem starts here. How would he treat his emotional attitude towards this event? Usually the solution is hatred, frustration or anger. He will start to blame someone other than the scammer. It can be his family, it can be his friends, it can be his lover, and it can also be himself. His mind will be closed. Time still flows on, but his mind will always stop at that point. He might become a scammer himself to make himself "not weak". He might hurt others to "prove" himself. He might give up and hide somewhere forever. He might go as far as killing someone.  I'll make a point here, but don't take the examples as a "prediction". They are simply possibilities that CAN happen. They are not something that will DEFINITELY happen. It depends on what comfort pocket or selfish motivation people are brought up with.

    In general if a person surfaced out their comfort pocket (like the cardboard box example earlier) and took a deep long look at it, then certain gaps in the comfort pocket can be filled in. He might start being able to clearly distinguish between a scammer and a non scammer based on his newly forming insight. He might be able to learn from the scammer and transform scammer tactics into his own sales tactics (if he decides to do sales in the future) in a moral and ethical way. He might be able to realize different insights from the cardboard box. The cardboard box might stimulate his mind to invent a real cardboard box car that is efficient and environment friendly.

    Scammers are victims themselves. They might have lost something valuable to them. They might see this world as some place they don't belong it. There's nothing we can do for them, because their comfort pockets have been stabilized by their beliefs, but they can help us understand that anything is a possibility. Their creativity in creating a scam can be copied and modified into a safe remedy for your life's problem too. Every minute regretting is every minute wasted. Every minute should be spent in understanding and comprehending how to use the "knowledge" that has been smacked into you with cold iron fists. I hope you are doing well with nonsense I wrote today.

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