Saturday, June 25, 2011

Comfort Pocket Arm

 Here's another blog about nonsense. Comfort pocket creation is not an easy thing because it requires a connection to your current comfort world, or else the comfort pocket will take a very long time to create, or get overridden by other comfort pockets easily. Today I will write about the comfort pocket arm that allows you to connect one comfort pocket to the next. If you have anything to say then please don't hesitate to leave a comment below.

   Everybody has a comfort pocket. It's simply your old experiences combined with ingrained memories (and a lot more if you read about it in my comfort pocket article). Its basically who you defined yourself to be. However, comfort pocket are also your biggest inhibitors when you want to succeed anywhere in your lifetime, because any comfort pocket that tells you to stop doing certain things, most often limits your mind to function in a creative sense. So in order to be successful, you'll have to gather as many comfort pockets as you can related to your comfort world so that you will have a complete lifestyle, where everything falls into your realm of "selfish motivation". 

  So since you are so comfortable in your comfort world, how would you motivate yourself to create a new comfort pocket. You must have some kind of bridge, in other words, a comfort pocket extension, which I'll call, "the comfort pocket arm" here. Comfort pocket arm is created as an extension, a possibility, a sense of potential that can improve a comfort pocket. Comfort pocket creations are most often unconscious decisions so a formal creation have a stubborn nature that resists any forms of extensions, like a skill learned from a teacher, which we most often just reuse the same technique over and over. However, some skills are so open ended (martial arts), we most often have unconscious comfort pocket arms created to bridge into our own "invention" (which can be derived spritually).

   Comfort pocket arms can be created by leaving a sense of open ended belief inside the comfort pocket, but the arm itself has to be a strong comfort pocket or it will easily break off, like for example, lets say you believe that after getting out of college, and being a book worm, and all the theories you memorized will help you in the future, but your other comfort pocket makes you belief that the practical world holds no theory, then the comfort pocket arm for theories will break off and you'll be stuck to start fresh. Comfort pocket arm requires a potential to believe that the comfort has potential to improve, benefit to improve, reason to improve, you have enough power to make it improve, and belief that what you are doing isn't changing anything be reusing what you know and manipulating its form into something else.

   People who form enough comfort pocket arms will eventually enlarge their comfort world making the world they live in a comfortable place.

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