Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Most Recycling Thing to Do Is To Have No Children?

 This is the craziest nonsense I've written so far. If you are one of those people who are VERY easily inspired by these things then BEWARE. I, never intended for you (or the people you talk to) to give the WORLD a hard time by influencing it this way. If some day, you change the world into a form described here, and you absolutely hate it, then it's your own fault. Period. If the whole world accepts it happily then maybe it's okay. The maybe is me being conservative. I apologize ahead of time for my lack of resolution. =p If you have anything to say then please don't hesitate to leave a comment below.

    Countries spend a lot of money recycling things. Demanding its citizens to recycle as a whole haven't been seen anywhere without punishment, and fear. Glass, some plastics (thermo I believe), bottles, and paper can all be reused, but nobody does. Why? Let's say I have some glass bottle I don't need, and my next door neighbor Steve wants to recycle it and use it as a baby bottle. A few days later, his baby died. It turns out the bottle I used had a powerful pathogen from my saliva that has instant kill abilities. Somehow I didn't die from it. This is just an example. None of this is real. However, you get my point. One problem with recycling is hygiene problems. You might say, "let me just sterilize it before using it", then my response would be, "what about cardboard?". Cardboard poses two problems. First, it can degrade on it's own due to the fact that it's paper. Second of all, it can carry disease in between. Well, let's assume that none of things you recycle carry diseases, but you do have to clean it right? I highly doubt that items you pick up to recycle are clean, or else everybody would be recycling without breaking a sweat. In other words, you have to WASH it before you can recycle it. You have to STERILIZE it too. In the process, you lose precious clean water to clean it. Sure, water is common, but its not free. It takes energy from power plant to filter it. To recycle one bottle, you need water, some harsh chemicals, or substitute with some lemon, vinegar, salt, which are part of our vitamin source. Let's say you figured out how to use carbon dioxide (part of your breath) to clean the bottle, but you still need one more element to be able to accomplish it. You need time, and effort. Our daily lives are very stressful with things to worry about, so any effort spent are taxed from our efficiency to work at our jobs to earn money.

   In other words, recycling takes time, money, effort, environmental resources (water, vinegar, lemon juice which is all part of our diet), and electricity (for powering up the water filter system). I'm not saying that recycling is a bad thing. In fact it is a great idea, or else our streets will be filled with garbage that piles up into the sky by now. However, from the way things look now, it seems that recycling takes a higher toll out of us more than not recycling right now. Nobody has figured out a fool proof way to recycle that doesn't waste resources. Even taking the electric hand dryer for example, it dries your hand by saving trees, but you have to compensate with lots of electricity. You can argue with me all you want, but you can't argue with the price it takes from you just to recycle.

   To be honest, recycling probably won't affect our generation yet. We'll most likely die out before anything happens. So who is affected? That's right. The NEXT generation is affected. If you are selfish enough, then you can say "well, who gives a f*** about them". Yea, you're cool. Now let me talk to a normal person. Well all do care right? Or else why would we bother? There is one more round about solution to our dilemma. Well, you guessed it. That is to not have children. If we don't have a next generation, then there is no recycling problem to have a headache over. We won't have children to suffer for our mistakes. Period.

   Honestly, this is all nonsense. No one has the rights to force us to not have children right? Oh btw, you patriots out there better not make some law that forbids people from having children, then create this drama where people who "accidentally" have a child gets hunted down by secret government agents. If the world is not ready, then don't force it. It's like forcing the sun to turn green for no reason. Anyway, nevertheless, what I said was all nonsense. However, if you still can't figure out the most efficient way to recycle, then the world might use this option has a last resort.

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