I was having a debate with a classmate the other day. Obviously, this is all nonsense. Don't listen to it, or else you take full responsibility for your actions. That's what the law sounds like anyway. Enjoy reading. If you have anything to say then please don't hesitate to leave a comment below.
I was speaking to classmate X the other day about depression and stuff. In the past, I've been just as depressed as anybody can be in this world. It took me eight years to think about it, five years to rethink about it, then two years to finally believe I figured out a tiny tiny of the iceberg. Let me share this iceberg with you now, cheers.
Everybody's been depressed one way or other. If you're alive, then you'll be depressed somehow. I mean, even if we talk physically, you are literally depressed onto ground by gravity (that includes those that can fly psychically, I mean, you still have to get on the ground some time right? You won't float up there forever). If you figured out the idea behind what I wrote in creation theory, then I'm sure you'll really get what I mean. Depression is pretty natural thing. It's when your natural impulses are running into barriers, which is impossible to avoid. It's like running a marathon, and suddenly a huge boulder dropped on the running lane. So what do you do to finish the marathon? Run around it. I mean, of course! It's the same thing with depression. We are 'forced' to work around the problem to find our solutions. In other words, the source of depression also deviates off our comfort pocket for laziness. Why? It's because we always want our first solution to work. We don't want to rework our problems over and over again, but we have to, because like that marathon example earlier, you'll be constantly be blocked by boulders, pits, or some other stuff.
So what am I saying here? If we don't want to be depressed, then all we have to do is to never trust our first solution? No. According to a kundalini book I read before, depression is some kind of zone in our thinking that allows us to think more deeply on a subject (that's why it's depressed, so that you can think deeply. Get it? muahahah). In other words, your mind, body, and soul has done nothing wrong to get you depressed. It's a way of protecting you, by making you stronger. Your mind's thinking should never be refused just because other people belittle you for it. Of course, don't ever jump too fast to conclusions, because like the marathon example, you might be falling into a pit.
Does it mean that we should just follow our natural impulses and that solves every problem of our lives? Yes, and no. The answer is no, because almost none of our 'impulses' nowadays are natural enough. If you look back into your past, background, and experiences you built into your comfort pocket, I highly doubt that any way-of-thinking you have right now is near natural. However, the answer is yes, because we naturally want to create a better life for ourselves, and since living things are harmonious, and enjoy being with others, we tend to like to share our success with others too. I mean come on. Are you happy doing all that important stuff only for yourself? We want someone to be happy with ourselves too.
People say that it's very dangerous to just let our emotions run rampant. That's very far from the truth. Our emotions are based on environmental survival instincts mixed with the amount of love we received from others we care about. However, that's no longer our most natural emotions that's born with us. We were once like trees, and plants, and we naturally want peace and satisfaction just for being who we are. It's hard to be back in this state, because everybody haven't had enough 'fun' with life yet. We just want to 'enjoy' whatever is available out there with limited stimulation (that includes drugs for those who are junkies). Even if people use drugs to solve their problem, you always need more to keep the stimulation at the threshold you want. You ended up with that problem because you decided not to trust yourself, but to trust whatever misleading information you hear.
So what's the right information? It's really in your heart. Not the organ only. It's the vibration the organ produces when you truly feel satisfied. It doesn't have to be wild vibrations that ends in spasms. It can be simple, long wavelength vibrations that revitalize you. Never doubt yourself, even if it makes you depress. Your mind, body, soul, and heaven do care about you. Never refuse yourself, and remember, true freedom always awaits for you.
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