Wednesday, January 26, 2011

World of Imagination - Existence Vs Nonexistence - Creation Theory

   Here's some nonsense I learned from my meditations. It's also based on yin and yang of taoism I guess. Have fun with my nonsense. If you have anything to say then please don't hesitate to leave a comment below.

  We live in a world. Duh. However, if we were all born blind. Then we will not see what it looks like If we were all deaf, and blind then we'll just rely on smell and touch to perceive our world. Now, ever imagined what it would be like if ALL of our senses are nullified and all the population in this world lived together that way? If we all lived that way, then there's only one 'sense' that we do follow, which is the beginning and the end.

  Before senses were created, in fact, before anything existed, we all had more freedom. We didn't rely on perceiving anything to live. We don't even need to live. In fact, there was no 'we'. It was just                . No, that was not a typo. It's a blank space. There's no word for it, because languages didn't exist. Time and dimension doesn't exist and everything is nothingness. At some point, a change occured.

  This story is about nothingness, the eternal                 nicked at it's flow of nothingness. Something-ness emerged and expanded. Nothingness wants to remain nothing. Somethingness wants to express, so struggling occurred. Somethingness continuously expands, and nothingness continuously suppressed. Somethingness bends and twists in response to nothingness' oppression. Somethingness at this point is still too vague to create anything stable, even if it's atoms. It twist and twirls like a spool of thread and forms a shape. Somethingness at this point, resembles a line that continues to stretch to infinity, but its 'body', if you can call it that, forms a blob that vaguely matures as a form. This is what we call 'god'. However, true god would be the struggling existence and nonexistence. Anything without a form would be too unstable to be called a 'god', so nothing will be mentioned of those forces. However, a 'god' is definitely no match for nonexistence and existence since they are the true nature representatives of existence itself. Each side will develop their vague blobs. There is the nonexistence blobs, which is part of the dark group, which I would call the 'dark ages' here, and the god that is looked 'up' to is the light group, which I would call the 'light ages'.

  The blobs themselves are immature, to have any emotions, but at this point, for a thicker spool to form would be happening. The thicker spool is the more dense in nature, so it forms a 'dimension' with a universe. At this point, creation is at a very combustible point, so everything is in fire, and atoms are still not stable. At this point, we are talking about the beginning of 'big bang'. Blob continues to twirl, until it becomes 'fate', which stabilize atom, and predominant flows everything would follow. Flows will start to form 'inanimate' things that will continue to flow in one direction. Next, 'animate' things will form based on accumulated 'inanimate' directions creating something that 'thinks' it has 'control' of it's own directions, which is what we call a 'living thing' like a plant, germ, or animals. Time exist at this point, since an accumulation of 'directions' still follows along the line of 'fate' and stabilizes 'memory' in the form of perception and feedback.

  Living things are part of the big blob that continues to flow even in spool form with a beginning point, and end point. That's why our universe is moving towards nothingness once more. With 'time' created, it will feel like that day will be very far away. For gods, it's already in front of them.

  To sum it up, we don't really exist. We are all part of the flow of fate that continues to flow in the direction of freedom, where infinity lies, and emotions are simply a form of a very tight spool of flow. We all treat each other like individual, but we are all the same.

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