Welcome to some nonsense preaching. I might sound like a priest for once. If you are one, then you'll find it in your heart to forgive me. If you don't forgive me, then I might cry about it. : ) If you have anything to say then please don't hesitate to leave a comment below.
Forgiving someone takes some effort. Err.. excuse me, because I meant a LOT of effort. For some it's easier, because it's in your genes, but for others, they're rather die than forgive someone. But why? What's so hard about forgiving someone for crimes they have done against you? Reason is very simple. It's because it feels unfair.
Everybody wants to get even when they've been taken advantage of, and secretly giggle when they've profited. Even if your mouth and mind disagrees with me, you will still unconsciously recognize the feeling I'm describing. It's like a game. If you made a lucky shot, you consider it fair, but if someone else made the lucky shot, you consider it cheating. To look at it another way, you want someone to feel frustrated over your win so that you feel more satisfaction from it. Clearly we're talking about "selfish motivation" (more explained later) here.
It's hard to forgive someone if they've been practically bullying you the whole time. They had all the fun, and you had to suffer. Many years later, that same person pops out of nowhere and ask for forgiveness. It kind of feels like a pig being cut into billions of pieces of ham, and then the butcher is asking the pig for forgiveness. Being the pig is a pain, but being the butcher isn't all that much glory either.
Many people has hurt me before. I still hate them, but at the same time, I've forgiven them. Why? The reason is because there are people that I've also hurt. When you hurt someone, you'll have to see them cry. Some people I know consider such personality a weakness. I admit that I can't be that kind of "strong" person, but how can there be satisfaction in ignoring other people's pain?
I consider it karma to feel the same guilt of hurting someone, and the same pain of never receiving forgiveness. When you see someone you harmed shriveled in pain and agony for the rest of his life, you'll see what I mean. So why should you forgive others? That's because you're not the only one that knows how to cry. Everybody does.
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