Thursday, January 20, 2011

How to Control Your Emotions - Emotion Manifestation

  Some nonsense about your feelings, which is too unimportant to discuss here, hoo hoo hoo. Okay fine, just kidding. Anyway, let's hear more about yourself today. If you dare...hehe. :] If you have anything to say then please don't hesitate to leave a comment below.

  Every emotion has a purpose. They don't exist only for your sake, whether it's positive or negative. There also emotions with no name. Those are trickier. I'll discuss the most common ones here (common to the observer).

  We have joy, excitement, passion, vigor, strength, anger, fear, hate, anxiety, sadness, and others. Nevertheless, you should realize the fact that they are all enjoyable emotions. If you reverse your thinking, then you'll realize that none of those emotions can exist without each other. They each have a special role to continue pushing you forward to 'living'. How you use them, or guide them determines how well you can live.

  First of all, you don't need to agree with me, but you have to realize that were are all incarnated from death. Death itself is peace, depending on how someone died, and emotions pushes us away from it. So the emotional foundation we are all built on is fear. It happens the moment we interact with this world as living things. Every other emotions is based on how, when, and why to fear something. For example, anxiety is using fear to try to predict the future, anger is to alert you to fight based on level of fear, sadness is to engrave fearful memories more deeply, and so on. Positive emotions are also based on fear. Excitement is a measurement of fear border lining death, happiness is to nourish your mind, body, and soul using fear as a measurement of distance from object or subject of fear, passion is based on past experience of dynamic distance from death, vigor is based on lowering fear level to the minimum, and strength is memory of fear as a sense of relativity.

   Nevertheless, you don't have to remember any of that to control your emotions, but you do have to realize that any of those emotions depends heavily on the amount of fear you let out. Any fear you have can manifest into any of those emotions. Over abusing anything of them will eventually lead to cancer so be very careful.

   To sum it up, in order to control your emotions, recognize the emotion at the event you are concerned about, and increase or lower the amount of fear to regulate your emotion. Do it slowly so you don't use too much or lower too much fear by accident. If that happens, then it'll feel like your blood sugar gushing in and out of your cells too much like diabetes.

   Remember, negativity corrodes your body, and positiveness corrodes your body. Use your emotions wisely.

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