Friday, January 21, 2011

Why Does Cancer Exist? - How to Regrow Your Body Parts

   Here's another writing about nonsense. Take it or leave it. Everybody hates cancer, but have you ever wondered about the purpose of it? If you have anything to say then please don't hesitate to leave a comment below.

  Ever went to school? Had private lessons from a teacher? Well, let's assume you did. If you didn't, leave a comment and I'll explain what I meant by what I wrote. If you had lessons of biology in school, then you probably heard of "Darwin's Theory", "survival of the fittest", or some other stuff. I can't quite remember most of what that scientist mentioned in his writings, but I do remember that he concluded, all living things we see today have evolved from very simple life forms eons ago, and become what we are today, and whatever livings things we see around us. That sounds beautiful and all, but do you understand why our ancestors had the potential to evolve and survive different environments? That's right. Cell mutations, or what we call cancer today.

  There are different ways for cancers to occur (and no, I don't remember ALL of them you nerdy science critics). Radiation, environmental stress, like poison for example, emotions, and others. People say that survival is only possible when the species constantly breed generations after generations to create just the right breed to survive any harsh environments they live in. For example, many years ago, the planet had NO oxygen (I'm talking about the approximate era around the beginning of big bang), but apparently, plants were creating too much oxygen and using up all the carbon dioxide. The super huge plants evolved into new smaller versions, and other species learned to utilize oxygen to create more ATP, blah blah blah, and continued to survive and evolve till we appeared. None of this would've been possible if our genetic code did not mutate. Well, obviously there are unsuccessful mutations, and those species got killed off by the environment.

   In other words, it doesn't matter how sick, how disabled you are right now, you can't deny the fact that you are part of the surviving lineage of evolution. As I mentioned in "Resolving Cancer Cells", your faith and your motivation keeps the cells in your body united together as a single unit, which would be you. Don't ever look down on any single cell of your body. Just one disobedient soldier is enough to kill you. That applies too if you lost a vital part of your body. Let's say you lost a finger or something, growing it back is scientifically impossible. Someone might transplant you want, but it's still not the same finger you lost. Let's say you couldn't get a transplant in time, and it 'healed' by itself, but it's definitely not over at that point. People who lost their body parts will still feel pain those areas. For example, if you lost your toe, you will constantly feel 'toe' pain, and if you lost your finger, then you'll constantly feel 'finger' pain. That's a signal that your body wants to grow it back, but it's not easy.

   Nowadays, everybody are too automated. We rely too much on our body to heal itself. Remember, the mind can corrode the body at will, so we do have direct command over our body. Our body is just a unity of cells manifested on our 'will' to survive. Without this, will, or soul, then our cells will disobey into cancer cells and try to separate. If you ever learned about entropy, then you'll know what I'm talking about. Even our specific shape (I'm assuming the reader is human now), four limbs, eyes in front, vital organs protected by a rib cage are all part of the specific 'will' we inherited from our ancestor. It's very wrong to take for granted that our body can retain that shape by itself. Our body corrodes over time depending on the negativity we accumulated. Examples are like rheumatism, limbs of asymmetrical lengths, near-sightedness, far-sightedness, stomach acid, heart enlargement, or you name it. Doctors say that aging will cause that, but it's really caused by adaptations of your will. You accepted it, and your body manifested based on your will. Technically those things are cancers too, except it's mutating (adapting if you want it to sound positive), while letting you stay in control.

  Time is a big factor, but faith and will is the major players here. The moment you adjusted your will to "adapt" to your "new body", your new body manifested based your wants. So if you want to grow anything back, limbs, eye, or whatever, then you'll have to focus your body to mutate and grow your body parts back. Once you start, there's no turning back. Cells invigorated with your passion will keep growing. If you install any negativity into it, then it will turn into malignant tumor. They won't obey someone with a weak will. They only obey strong ones that they can trust. If you plan on growing back a vital organ on the spot, then it will be VERY difficult, to the point that it's ultra painful. It's difficult to have the will to survive THAT much. You'll have to have a clear resolve and calm mind. If you're reading this, then I'm assuming you're not missing a heart, liver, lung, or brain. If you are, then you have several seconds to spare. A person without training will have to grow back those manifested organs into original form on the brink of death will have to surpass his or her limits. At this point, you might want to temporarily replace those organs with a placebo organ. Visualize an organ made vaguely with energy working in it's place temporarily until you have enough strength to grow the physical shape back into its place.

   To sum it up all up, if you have cancer, make use of it, and if you have missing body parts, then you'll have to induce it. Positiveness is not only essential, but your only obligated choice. Negativity will corrode every effort away. Unfortunately, that's hard to teach on paper (or computer), because you have to tap into your subconsciously and face ALL your past negative memories and flush them out. The main players are not the cells, but your will to survive. Do you still want to survive beyond normal efforts? Never give up. Your will is never insignificant. How you express it, is what matters the most.

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