Hello everyone. Pretty happy today. Since I feel freedom, I feel the need to write a bit nonsense about being happy. Enjoy yourself. =p If you have anything to say then please don't hesitate to leave a comment below.
Hello my fellow critics. So what are you going to criticize about me today? Haha. More importantly when are you going to stop criticizing yourself? Negativity attracts negativity, so it'll never end. Yes, it also causes lethal diseases. Be careful. Nevertheless, what can I do to make you look on the bright side?
Well, you hear the cliche everywhere. Everybody tells you to look on the bright side if you happen to have a bored listener nearby. You can't do it right? Hmmm...since it's so difficult then aren't other people just teasing you? Luckily, even if you can 'feel' that people telling you to feel positive about things are just being hypocritical, it can still be very helpful. I mean if you think about it, at least they're trying something. It's worth taking some empty advice. It's like religious cults an stuff. People with a strong faith will give them the power to do a lot of things. Think of how those people are willing to be sacrifices. They might seem brain washed, but then again, what's the good of intelligence that ruins a satisfying life?
Sometimes we can be too intelligent and take things way too seriously. Why is that? It's because of our understanding of power. It's pretty complicated so I'll break it down for you. We tend to naturally like to join others, because the power of an individual is never a match against an organized army. In order to do that, we have to adapt ourselves to be rather similar to everyone around us. If that's the case, even our very own specific 'emotional standards' will change according to demand. That's pretty sad (think of fashion). I'm not criticizing fashion though. I think it's awesome for people to be creative with how they present themselves. But some others are just too obsessed and burden themselves with unnecessary 'wants'. Anyway, after a long time has passed, we adapt to whatever the world demands, and we forget our own wants and needs. The best example would be Buddha. Buddha doesn't need anything. Even though it applies to Buddha, but it also applies before he attained Buddhahood. Enough food to fill up his stomach, enough water to quench his thirst was all he needed as long he can understand his 'innate' nature of freedom. Anything excess will just confuse the heart to search for more excess. Excuse my very own interpretation of his standards of living. What I'm saying is that everybody has their own 'standard of living'. Buddha is very independent, and recognized his own standard of living so that he's not under control of anyone, but his sense of peace.
Sure, not everybody can live life like him. If any of you lived in the wilds trying to survive based on peace of mind, and life without excess, then you will probably not survive for long. However, you can live by letting go certain things you know you definitely don't need, but feels like a pain to hold on to. You don't have to force it to go if you don't have to, but if it's too hard of a grip then to let go, then just let go. Standards of living refers to one's happiness, not for the sake of conquering others.
If you think about it, you've already done a lot of important things in your life, even if it's common and not 'special'. Think back to a long time ago. There were many things that took 120% of your efforts to accomplish. It almost felt impossible. You did it didn't you? Weren't you happy when you 'finally did it'? Out of all those things you did, which one did you feel the best? For me, I figured out how to meditate and move my ears without touching them. Those were my most proud accomplishments. I still feel happy thinking about them. There's plenty of things you did in the past that only you could do, and felt good about. You just desensitized yourself to them, because others made you shun it. Remember it. Enjoy it. It's definitely worth it.
To sum it up, living happily requires you to remember how important you made yourself in the past. Not important in other people's eyes, but feeling absolute happiness in your heart.
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