Friday, September 28, 2012

True Selfish Motivation

If you believe that you aren't living life to the fullest, then you are missing out on the biggest and most important aspect of your life. I'm going to write that here, in the form of nonsense so that you can understand how you can move yourself forward again.

    Do you believe in "non-selfish" motivation? Doing something purely for the sake of others without caring for anything in return. The word "return" is defined as ANY kind of return. That also includes the satisfaction of helping someone. Can you give that feeling up or any associated feeling that you are "aiming" for? If there's something you can't give up as a condition to help others, then you are not altruistic. This is reality. We are all drawn to things that benefits us, even if it's not obvious or socially defined as "benefiting". The moment you have motivation to do anything, it's definitely selfish. However, don't confuse selfishness with "evil", which are two very different things.

    When we are fully expressing our selfish ways, accepting the results of our selfish actions, and just moving towards our goal in life with that energy and vigor, we simply are being altruistic. When we activate our true selfish motivation, we actually have done three major good deeds. First, when you are devoting yourself to accomplish the most desirable thing you want in life, you have already accept the consequences of failure and punishment if anything goes wrong along the way. You have already expressed that you will self sacrifice for the sake of what you want to do. Second, with your devotion, you will trigger others' motivation to activate because of your influence. They can be for your cause, against your cause, or simply running parallel with you by doing something else, like selling flowers, but never crossing roads with you. Third, you have just rejoined hands with one of the best friends of your life, which is yourself. You are being you, ready to burn yourself in your waves of excitement and passion. When you do this, you will realize that the close ones in your life will rapidly change into different ones. Whether you accept this or not depends on how you accept destiny. If selfish motivation is so powerful, then why isn't it obvious to everybody?

    Society has been very subtle and consistent at suppressing our expression of this natural trait. We do this too ready, and too often causing unnecessary amounts of pain, and damage to ourselves and to others, including the ones we love. That's why evil has a bigger potential to grow. Evil in this sense is not the devils you see in movies. True evil is not simply destroying things and not following the rules. Source of evil is mostly confusion. For example, lets visualize evil like it's some kind of dark, heavy, and stick mud, and it replaces the air you are breathing. Also visualize that you are aware of it's qualities, but you prefer breathing it in. Now, put yourself in a situation in which you are fighting against someone in this same dark and muddy environment. You fight each other for days and nights, and you know the other started the fight. You simply retaliated. The other one feels that you did too much damage and retaliated back at your retaliation. Remember, you can't really see each other in this dark, muddy environment. Both of you are shrouded in darkness. Society definitely runs the way I described with the symbolic picture I stated above for you. We all want to "get even", despite the fact that you are both confused at what the others' intentions, and personalities truly are. However, if one of you are wise enough to climb a ladder out of the dark muddy area, then you will see the sun shining on the horizon, and the dark mud will leave your whole body system. The other one would have "won" the fight, but you won the bigger "freedom" in life. What I'm trying to say is that your expression of your life should not be a direct influence of others in the dark. You should see beyond your limit for your true selfish motivation to express. If you live your life simply to overwhelm, or to do things in response to things, then you will live your life with suffering without any cure.

    Realizing true selfish motivation is important, because it helps extends and expresses who you really are and what you really want. This is simply realization of your freedom of your will and spirit which has been overly cramped up for many years. The way to find your true selfish motivation has to be consistently be observed everyday by you. Rethink any action you take, and any feelings you have associated with it. Selfish motivation in it's pure form, can be found inside you once you stripped away all the other embellishing factors. In other words, you have to be very clear about your intentions. Do not judge any of your beliefs, because that belief might be more correct than you think. Not to mention, society has altered it so it might clouded by false and negative ideas. Let me give an example about myself. I used to treat everybody gently and nicely. I believed that it was the "right thing to do". However, after carefully observing myself, I realized that I simply wanted the happy feeling that I helped someone, and I "deserve" to be treated well by karma and the universe. Of course, when I first started doing this, I didn't really think I was aiming for that. I simply believed that I did it because I was altruistic. Now, you might be confused and ask, "what's wrong with that?". I am going to tell you that part now. Once, I went out of my own way to help someone, however, it actually made their situation worse, and I was blamed heavily for it. I was doing it out of what I believed to be a "good heart" and I got punished for it. I was really depressed, so I stopped being nice for many years. However, many years later, I realized that I actually do want to be nice with others because I wanted the good feelings from the deed. After realizing that, the intention became very clear in my mind, and I had no trouble being nice to others again. Others can blame and hurt me all they want, I simply want to express my true selfish motivation. That example is only one type of selfish motivation. There are many other types. I'll give you one more example then I want you to think on your own. It's another example from my past. When I was twenty years old, I loved exercising. However, I stopped after a while. The reason I stopped is because I didn't attract any women. That was my true selfish motivation. I was lying to myself by saying that I am doing it for "health". However, many years later, I did discover that I have a true selfish motivation for building health with exercise. I realized that this selfish motivation couldn't be fully expressed because I prefer doing exercise that frees my mind and spirit, instead of muscle exercises that makes me over sweat. What exercise do I do now? Yoga of course. You might not consider it an exercise, but that's only our difference of opinion and selfish motivation. So if you want to succeed in life, you better be clear about your selfish motivation also. How do you do it? First, get rid of your negative burdens.
    Our selfish motivation and comfort pocket has a very close relationship. They are both centered around our emotions. Comfort pocket is created by us naturally so that we do repetitive things most efficiently in automation. Selfish motivation is the driving force to do ANYTHING. Society nowadays are very heavily reliant on comfort pocket to do things in automation, because of lack of passionate selfish motivation. Now, as stated in my previous writings, once comfort pockets are created, it can NEVER be destroyed. It's part of your subconsciousness. Your brain has no ability to control it. Not to mention it's a pillar of how you define yourself. If you destroy it, you will go crazy, or temporarily insane. So to find your true selfish motivation, then you will have to overlap your old comfort pockets with new comfort pockets. Our comfort pockets stores our beliefs, so you will have to learn a new belief that is even more powerful than your old belief. For example, lets say you want to be a sushi chef, and you think touching raw meat is disgusting. However, that belief might have been instilled into you by your friends or close ones. It's too late to get rid of that belief. However, you can start visualizing the satisfaction of putting that sushi into your mouth and savoring the tastiness of it. If that belief is enough to override your old comfort pockets of "disgusting" then it's fine. That's just an example, so think of your own!!

    Searching for true selfish motivation is not easy because we are all clouded in dark and muddy mindset. However, it can't escape you, because it's always there inside of you, waiting for you to remember who you really want to be.

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