Stress can hurt you in any imaginable ways possible. To relieve your stress, you'll have to relax and breath yourself out if it. It's nonsense, I know. Keep reading.
If you are reading this, then I have to congratulate you. The reason I congratulate you is because your stress has declared loud and clear that you are alive. Your stress is your way of expressing that you are someone full of life, and struggling against the forces of pressure around you, even though you are dealing with it negatively (which is not always a bad thing). Even though that is so, we still have to manage it, because too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. However, before we begin to discuss the management of your struggling, first we'll begin by appreciating the fact that you have any will power left in you to struggle at all. If you didn't struggle with your will power, then you wouldn't feel stress, and as a result, you wouldn't even get a chance to read my writings, because you would've given up long ago.
In order to manage your stress, you have to first understand the components and the nature of stress. If you don't, then it will be very difficult to get rid of it, because it's analogous to searching for a tattoo that's implanted onto your brain.
Stress itself is not good or evil. I'm sure you have heard that before. Stress is literally struggling. Struggling is the fight between right and wrong, good and evil, strong and weak, win and loss. Due to the nature of stress, there are negative and positive parts to stress that greatly influences you. Even though the intention of feeling stress might be a good thing, the nature of stress is still a force of negativity.
Negativity is sharp, cold, heavy, straightforward, focused, and downward moving in nature. This is the form of energy we constantly put into use just in case we are being too lax and vulnerable. The advantage of negativity is that it sharpens and focuses your mind, developing your intelligence. Its nature drives you to search for answers. It is the reason to get excited about something by narrowing your focus on your goals, similar to shooting a precise arrow at
your target. This part of us exists, because we all desire to feel gain in spite of the odds stacked against us. However, the disadvantage it brings is that it damages our body causing dangerous health conditions due to its heavy, and congealing effects.
On the other hand, staying positive without any stress also has its advantages and disadvantages. Positiveness is light, open, bright, outward spreading, upward moving, random, and flexible by nature. This form of energy is nourishing for our bodies, and reconnects our sense of self, developing good health and connection with others. The disadvantage of positiveness is that it causes foggy minds, loss of focus and loss of concentration. It actually damages intelligence as an end result.
The main principle in managing stress is to balance your positive and negative feelings you have for anything. Since stress is negative in nature, then your job is to focus on staying positive. It's similar to flying on an airplane. Stress is gravity, which can only pull you down. Staying positive is staying airborne on the airplane. However, don't be too positive, because that also does damage to you. Your intelligence will decline, and you won't be able to function anymore if you follow the other extreme. In order to adhere to the balancing principle stated earlier, you will have to follow what is presented to you below.
In order to balance the positive and negative forces in your body, first you have to be able to measure your body's level of positiveness and negativity. In order to be able to achieve this, you will have to have your mind and body synchronize. An indication of success in terms of achieving mind and body synchronization is your level of control over your body's level of vitality and composure. The more synchronization you achieve, the more you control the health condition of your body, and it's ability to withstand pressure. Your body is not a simple vehicle of your will, even though we all like treat it so. It's another form of your mind. You are the supreme being that rules over the universe known as your body. If you devote plenty of love and good direction to your body, then it would respond to you exactly the way you dictate it. If you can not do so, then there are only two possible reasons that can be hindering your progress. First reason is that you are already dead. Since you are dead, then your body can obviously no longer synchronize with your mind. Second reason is that your emotions are not coordinating with your thoughts. This is caused by excruciating pain in your past. When you are in pain, you try to forget it, and ignore so as to not suffer any more than you already have. However, this method of handling your problem will comes with a side effect. The more you use your logic to suppress your negative feelings, the less positive emotions you will retain from then on, because positiveness can't exist without negativity. The two parts of us and this world are a contrast and can't exist without one another. Think back to a point your past in which you were much happier, and innocent, yet more vulnerable.
Once you are more aware of the positive and negative states of your body, then you are ready to un-knot yourself. As stated earlier, the nature of stress is negative. Negativity has concentrating effects, which helps you focus. If you are stressed unnecessarily and too often then you will form concentrated energy knots in your body which has very strong side effects. These side effects can be pain, diseases, and eventually cancer. The knots can not be detected by technology, but by the time it is detectable, it is already too late. These knots form under your direct command. It is never the fault of anything outside of your body. Be aware of the concentrations of these knots in your body and visualize them cooling down, and spreading out like a water wave all over your body. Utilize deep, consistent and complete breathing as a guide, and your thoughts as a goal. Remember to un-knot yourself everyday.
Once you learn how to un knot yourself, it's time to stabilize your techniques as specific comfort pockets. We form comfort pockets all the time, but concentrating as a group is more important for your purpose. comfort pocket is your perception of who you are in this world. Everybody forms one to make sense of everything and to feel safe. I'll give you two examples for this. Lets say you have a comfort pocket for handling bullies. You will know exactly what to do in face of one, and have an automatic response. You might fight, run, or call police, or whatever. Your emotions will act like a trigger and your body reacts immediately without your brain's input. That's a comfort pocket. Lets take another example. Lets say that you always follow specific habits before you do something, like for example, riding a bike. You might have to sing a song, tense your muscles, or do whatever before you get on your bike. You will probably not realize you are doing these things unless you consciously focus, or have someone from the outside point it out for you. That's a comfort pocket. Once a comfort pocket is formed, it can no longer destroyed, so be aware of that.
comfort pockets are centered around your emotions. If you have a specific emotional response to a specific living thing, place, idea, or whatever, then your comfort pocket will be directed by that specific response. If your comfort pockets are formed around negative emotions, like for example stress, then you will have to override your old comfort pockets with stronger and newer versions of yourself. We always change, but we don't really forget. The experiences we had are just more difficult to withdraw out from our memories after we override it, not because we forgot it. There's a reason why your dreams can show you your past that you "forgot" about. From this point on, if there's something specific you feel stressed about, then be aware of your emotions, speak your feelings out loud, and write down all your reactions you have towards it. Now, begin to associate a new, more beneficial feeling towards your subject of stress. Think out the feeling and make yourself feel it. Feelings can be changed by changing your energy patterns. Try feeling your negative emotion to the extreme and over dramatize it intentionally to "burst" it, then change your energy patterns to the positive emotion you desire. Form comfort pockets with whatever you learned from the above exercises of un-knotting, deep breathing, balancing positive negative energies.
The importance of forming comfort pocket to handle your stress is that it involves a predictable set of body reactions that you can reuse in automation. Instead of having the reptilian part of your brain give your body a panic response all the time, you can now calm down in most "non life threatening" situations. Try to find EVERYTHING that you feel stress about and apply a comfort pocket to EVERY one of them. This might take a very long time, but it's definitely worth it. If you continuously practice this, then you will obtain wisdom that can rival old people. When I say old, I mean those with more life experience than the rest of us, and has wisdom to handle almost anything.
Since society constantly forces us to hesitate too often, for the wrong reasons, achieving this state has become rare. However, if you are set on doing it, you can even accomplish it when you are still young. Wisdom is not reserved for the elderly only. You can have even more wisdom than the elders when you become an elder yourself by starting early. If you are already elderly, it's still not too late to start, because life is only beginning...until we die.
Managing stress is not only for yourself. You are actually purging evil for the world. In this world, understanding of good and evil is definitely too shallow. It's very vague and makes everybody struggle for reasons that are not even life threatening. One thing that is truly evil in this world is confusion. Confusion is evil because it causes fight for the wrong reasons, and causes unnecessarily deaths and sacrifices. Without confusion, then what remains are recognition, respect, and understanding of each other. Learn to look at your environment differently by twisting your "common sense", because you can actually be more wrong than you think. Learn to look beyond "practical methods" sometimes, because what you consider practical might actually be a complete waste because of lost opportunities. Think your feelings into words, and feel genuinely about your thoughts. Be in tuned with yourself all the time. I wish you good luck, with all this nonsense I wrote.
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