Hi everybody. Thank you for reading my blog. After such a long period of time of writing, I figured it's a good idea to introduce who I am. I am currently a zen practitioner, and a student acupuncturist. Clearly I haven't obtained zen yet, because I have to write this blog to aid everyone. The whole world is actually in a big crisis right now, because we are all debating over minor things, but neglecting major disasters like melting ice bergs. Even though I can't think of a solution for things like that, but hopefully my blog can help talented ones remember their courage and motivation to push through obstacles to have their ideas heard and carried out.
The purpose of this blog is to help save the world. I definitely do not have the power and ability to do so alone however, because I believe that if the whole world is united as one without relying on any specific individual or group of individuals as their leader, then every problem will be solved. The goal is to remove any confusion in everybody's understanding of reality.
I have read and heard many ideas of a perfect world in the past, and I don't think any of them are realistic and very satisfying to everybody in the short term or in the long term. I believe that everybody's idea of perfection is very shallow and barely scratching the surface. I have heard of many that wants to destroy the world to rebuild it from "scratch" towards perfection. I definitely don't believe in that because currently everything is just fine the way it is. Everybody is too heavily burdening ourselves, which in the long term will breed obliteration of our future, or our descendants' future. To be able to avoid that and create a better future, then everybody will have to learn what the truth really is.
My job for creating this blog is to help everybody realize who you really are, and why you are suffering in this reality. Revealing this truth to you doesn't mean that I am god or I'm associated with him, but the truth is definitely inside you waiting for you to remember. If you believe in god, then you should understand that god is always there to help you, so the only person who has the truth hidden is only you, so it's your job to recover it. For those who don't believe in god, and only believe in logic, my blog can still help you. The reason is because you are simply mastering yourself to understand half of the truth. I will help you remember the other half, by showing you the way.
I have two goals for creating this blog. First one is to help everyone in this world by letting everyone develop and prosper with their own individual strengths and be clear about their future paths. Second goal is to unite the whole world as one, so that every single individual in the world will compensate me one penny or more for the help I have given. After all, I am a selfish person.
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