So you want to be smart huh? Nonsense. I don't know the answer to that! I only know how to write nonsense! If you're confused, just keep reading!
There are two forms of intelligence in this reality, which are natural intelligence, and specialized intelligence.
Natural intelligence is an inherited trait, so I cannot tell you how to obtain it. It's the most powerful form of intelligence, because the owner of this gift can make quick and strong connections between different pieces of information quickly without having any prior knowledge.
On the other hand, specialized intelligence can be acquired through hard work and training, so this form of intelligence will be the main focus for this piece of writing you are reading.
Both types of intelligence has their own advantages and disadvantages. Natural intelligence is raw mental power that can work in any direction flexibly. However, it's main flaw is that it tends to breed laziness, because life seems incredibly "easy" to the owner of this gift. If individuals with natural intelligence don't continuously train to obtain specialized intelligence, then they will simply become average after a certain age, because they will lose motivation as time passes by. Specialized intelligence provides stability, focus, and confidence. It's the main type of intelligence that all successful individuals in the world use to obtain the object of their desires. However it's main flaw is that it's very inflexible, and it takes a lot of effort to build. Specialized intelligence built without natural intelligence can never surpass natural intelligence in every aspect, but the results are definitely worth it though.
As stated earlier, building specialized intelligence is very inflexible. The meaning behind the name "specialized" is that you must focus on one main reason to build it. For example, you should not build it to "compete" with someone else. You should be very clear about your future goal that you absolutely want to complete in your lifetime, and develop specialized intelligence to pave the path. You should not burden your motivation with unnecessary amounts of negativity. Focus on what you want, not simply avoiding what you don't want only.
Specialized intelligence can be further categorized into two more forms. The first form is specialized intelligence with affinity towards the subject, which is building pure selfish motivation. The second form is specialized intelligence based extreme amounts of experience with the subject, which is building high quality comfort pocket.
Selfish motivation is purely what you want without any unnecessary influence from others. In other words, it's truly what you want at your core. It does not need to be explained, and it does not need reasons. Pure selfish motivation is developed by choice and preparation. To develop this form of specialized intelligence, you should already have a strong interest in it. If you don't, then think very deeply on how it benefits you personally, and try to make a connection to your selfish motivation. The key is that you have to develop your interests so strongly that it becomes an obsession. The more illogical your interest, the better. Selfish motivation opens your eyes to details and freezes time in your world. This is because you are absolutely absorbed and synchronized into whatever you are doing. This form of specialized intelligence helps you complete your tasks without fatigue, because you are simply doing what you want to do so you won't ever feel tired doing it. Since you are fully synchronized with your work, you will also develop a strange form of "super human memory" that is comparable with natural intelligence. However, this form of specialized intelligence will not work if your reasons for "loving" to follow a goal is not complete, or "fake". Selfish motivation is the only type of motivation we have in this world. If it's not pure enough, then the "fake" reasons will burden you and negate your progress. For example, some surgeons believe that they are surgeons to save people. Some surgeons are surgeons because they find it a lot of fun to be a surgeon. Ethically you can complain all you want about the mindset between the two surgeons. However, most of the times, the surgeon who finds his job "fun" will do a much better job, because there's less burden, and a more productive mind and body synchronization. Those with natural intelligence should also develop this form of intelligence, because you get to choose what you want to do in life. You should do so, to further develop yourself, before someone chooses for you.
comfort pocket is something we use everyday, and it can also be used to develop specialized intelligence. It is developed naturally by our mind and body to handle excess load of repeated patterns. For example, it's like waking up at the sound of an alarm clock (or pressing the snooze button forever), your body automatically reacts without your conscious input. This form of specialized intelligence requires the most amount of work to develop, unless you have the previously two types of discussed intelligence to support. Developing it is very straightforward. Just practice working on the process towards your goal repeatedly as many times as possible, while accepting all success and failures. Don't ever stop for either reason, and just keep going. The purpose of this form of specialized intelligence is to obtain "mastery" of yourself. All types of masters always seems to be much better than beginners. This is because they already have a lot of experience stored in their comfort pockets. They have failed and succeeded many times, so most of their weaknesses have already been taken cared of. Now, they can simply focus on reaping success with their gigantic amounts of experience. These people might give a strong impression of being someone who's very intelligent, but they simply have high quality comfort pockets. This form of specialized intelligence is necessary for anybody to aim high for success in life.
Three types of intelligence was introduced to you. Neither of them are superior in all aspects. Natural intelligence is superior because it's raw ability to connect any types of information, however weakness is that it tends to breed lazy confidence. Specialized intelligence based on selfish motivation is superior because it maximizes an individual's concentration in the subject, and gives superior amounts of energy to work hard, and connect information on a subject quickly and efficiently. Specialized intelligence based comfort pocket is superior because it fixes all kinds of mistakes one can make and securing the confidence of the user, aiding the user to master themselves. The general public can only develop specialized intelligence, but that is already a guarantee to succeed in life.
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