Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How To Be Happy About Who You Are

     Nonsense can exist anywhere. It usually exist in places where most of the normal people in this world are abnormal. If you have anything to say then please don't hesitate to leave a comment below.

    At the restaurant, some people who owe my parents took our whole family out to dinner tonight.  It was a great meal and I met up with some people who supposedly went to the same high school I went to in the past. They came form China at age eighteen while I was on my way to way to graduating high school. There were one guy, and two girls, all of them were siblings. My mother told me they were working in America for three years before they had a chance to go to college. Both of the girls were married (ah well), and the guy is going to be married in a few months. For a person like me, who has never worked outside of "parental supervision", will always hear certain negative things. At this time mother said, "these children are truly good children, working hard, and finally getting married". At that time, since my comfort pocket already held pretty vast amounts of techniques that neutralize feelings against negative behaviors, so I was feeling pretty indifferent to her words. She obviously want me to learn this as a lesson and work hard to be obedient. To be honest, there's nothing wrong being obedient and following what she said, but my life isn't that simple.

    Everybody are born with one role and one goal. As I discussed before in my previous writings, people who are too greedy with the roles in life will end up nowhere. However, don't confuse role with "social defined role", in which others define who exactly you are. If you believe you are a "salesperson", "professional", "worker", "laborer", or "nobody" then you are completely missing the point. A person can be born without knowing words, then how can words completely describe a person? I used to give myself a lot of roles too like, "nice guy", "liar", "geek", "ice cream cake", "fried chicken", errr okay maybe not the food names, but I gave myself a lot of names. Those names obviously don't define my role in life. They are "traits". Have you ever taken a step back to think about whether you call yourself by "traits" or do you define your life through your "role"? I'm a nobody right now, but my feelings tell me that some day in the future, when I read back on what I write now, I will most likely feel quite nostalgic instead of feeling "inferior".  Right now, if you call yourself a "nobody",  have you ever thought about gritting your teeth and letting your future burn through you? (Don't actually burn yourself or harm others). If you keep a journal now, and read back on it in the future, wouldn't it give you a good laugh? It should, because we should all have nice long laugh of our past.

   Time never stays still, even though it doesn't quite exist. You will become strong as long you retain the courage to face the unknown, and the unwilling. Fill your comfort pocket with these words, "I must never give up", and continue to walk on. We all seek approval to believe that what were are doing has a direction. In the end, your direction always comes from within.

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