Well, here's another post of nonsense. If you want to call it that and read it anyway, then please don't hesitate and do so. You shouldn't be limited to information that reality is already restricting you to. Some curiosity wouldn't hurt right? :) If you have anything to say then please don't hesitate to leave a comment below.
Pain is a reflection of your comfort pocket. Depending on your experiences, you'll feel different levels of pain based on different amounts of experiences. If you have no experience, then you will feel no pain at all, until you feel it too often, too many times, or have someone tell you that you're feeling pain.
Utilizing pain as a motivation in this case wouldn't necessarily mean masochism. That's the extreme version of our discussion here. Even if you believe that you are not the least bit interested in self torture, this piece of information is still relevant to you, because we all try to fight against bad feelings to survive.
We've all been sad at some point in our lives. The bizarre thing about it is that we only remember those kinds of memories from a certain minimum age. For example from when you were three years old. We usually can't remember anything sad before that age. That does not mean sad things didn't happen before that age. Your memories will be very blurry if you attempted to remember. It's as if somebody has erased your memories before a certain age of yours. The reason you forgot is because you have no "knowledge" at that time. Your memories are still there, they are not missing. What you are missing at that time was the concept of "sadness". You were just carefree, and innocent. You could've been abused unknowingly. Our negative emotions or even positive emotions are nothing more than concepts, labels, like labels on canned spaghetti, nothing more and nothing less. What I'm trying to tell you is that you won't even know you are sad if or happy if nobody ever told you that you are feeling them. Our sadness or happiness isn't a fixed feeling, but it's a random accumulated bursts. You would know what I mean if I asked you if you ever felt "a little sad" or "very sad", and you know they feel very different. This piece of knowledge is earned and learned like any piece of knowledge. You pass through some kind of barrier in the form of a test, and it engraves into your memories, then it becomes your knowledge, a tiny part of your life experience. If you can use this knowledge to solve most of your problems, then you will most likely conclude that everything in life is simply a repetition of that cycle. For example, lets say you learned that every time you cut yourself, people around you will pay you more attention and talk to you in more adoring words. If you used this method when you were very young, and had no other supporting comfort pockets, then you will most likely grow up using this self abuse method to suppress everybody close to you into submission.
Self abusing is a very clear cut example of the reason behind the motivation. However, that only example only applies to what society considers to be "emo". The truth is, everybody in society utilizes a more convenient and invisible method to motivate themselves with pain. The problem of using this method is that pain is a contrast to growth. Using this method might help you grow in the short term, but you will definitely fail in the long run. For example, lets say every time you face a painful family situation, you force yourself to do pushups until you forgot your pain and develop muscle stamina. It's definitely a very productive method to handle yourself in the short term, but it is not recommended to solve your problem this way in the long term. Sure, utilizing this method is superior to abusing someone or something else to get your emotions out, but if you don't handle the problem at the source, you will be stuck with the problem forever, and worst you will not be able to handle the pressure one day and hurt someone with the feelings you accumulated over the years. A lot of successful individuals utilize this method to gain success in life by remembering the most horrible memories they ever had and fighting against it in their path. The reason this method is used is because we are natural creatures of fear(which can be interchangeable with excitement if we don't give either of these emotions any names), and we feel alive by fighting against it. Since society nowadays is no longer under the circumstances of a hunter gatherer society in the ancient times, we have less of a chance to experience this in a daily life, but rather enjoy it as a secret pleasure tool. This technique in your comfort pocket will only become your addiction, comparable to addiction to drugs.
Any drug in this world has side effects. Addiction to using pain as a source of motivation wouldn't be any kind of exception. Everybody is familiar with this side effect, and it is known as cancer. I have mentioned this before in my previous pieces of writing referring to the nature of cancer cells. As I mentioned in the previous post, people who can't centralize the faith in the cells of their body will conduct self attacking, and the end result is cancerous tumor growth in the body. In other words too much reliance on "pain" or negativity will corrode your body's existence because you are putting your body into automation too often and too long. However, utilizing pain as a motivation is beneficial because it sharpens your mind to obtain more useful knowledge around us. On the other hand, if we're too positive then our mind becomes corroded and dull. Cancer cells aren't the only threat even though they were meant to be for evolutionary purposes. Other threats exists like personality mutations. Anybody using pain for too long and too often as a motivation will accumulate a lot of built up negative emotions. If your body tries to surpass it, a temporary transformation state will happen and that is cancer (and the older you get, the more difficult it is, though not impossible). If your body tries to resist it then you will try to release it by destroying the environment around you. You would choose the most peaceful, comfortable target to attack, because opposites attract, especially extreme opposites. If you have been subduing your anger for thirty years, and one day you find someone who is enjoying their life to the extreme, and that individual happens to be around you, and you believe to be insulting you, because of their existence, then you will throw all your built up emotions on this individual physically, verbally, or simply violently. Not only do you hurt yourself, you can hurt someone else.
To solve this problem, there's only several ways about it. One is to have NO expectation of life and just live a life without accumulating excess. That way whether something happens or not- it is not your concern, because you are simply a drop of water in an ocean. Another way is to transform everything whether good or bad into an advantage to you. If you lost everything important to you then take advantage of this time period to look at yourself deeply inside and search for a more self satisfying path in life. If you have plenty of everything and still feel unsatisfied, then try to search for a higher form of light rather than using other people's perspectives of life as a reference point and confuse yourself into boredom and violence. If you are stuck between an unstable state between losing everything and gaining everything constantly, then realize that you got this far with your own strength. Believing in yourself with give you the ability to get it all back even if you lose it all. It's simply a matter of patience and sensitivity to opportunities. Third way is to do things a little bit at a time. Imagine everything getting better little by little and keep your eyes open for improvements and do not ignore them. Clap and think of all the benefits that can happen due to these little accomplishments.
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